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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friendship with a Frog and Toad

This week was all about friends, how we are the same and how we are different.  One story that we read was a personal childhood favorite Frog and Toad are Friends.  This book makes everything about being friends so sweet.  My class this year needs a lot of reminders about friends.  They have been together as a class for a few years and they bicker and get crazy.  (A class of 12 special ed boys will do that!)  So we talked about how people who are different can be friends and have fun times together, just like Frog and Toad.  The message seemed to have worked, let's see what happens next week. 

Being that my class is full of boys, how can we make this message of friendship stick?  I incorporated the LMN Tree's activity about Frog and Toads.  So we did a Venn Diagram about these two awesome amphibians.  This activity is great because we could use it now and then again in the spring when I attempt to grow frogs.   
 If you want to see more about the creator of this unit hop over to the LMN Tree 

This bundle is part of the Educents curriculum bundle that is on sale for a limited time.  


  1. You are so sweet to post about my product. Thank you so much.
    LMN Tree

  2. Thank you for providing a great product that can be used more than once! The students can't wait for the spring to do the other parts. :)

