Being a special education teacher with 12 boys from kindergarten to second grade, gathering materials and making them can be a crazy task. I have tried to find things that are for various abilities. All of my students struggle with letters, sound and sight words! So all day every period with every activity we are on a word hunt. I have even begun to put words on my back as we walk the halls.
Recently I got a new student who refuses to work and also has a lot of behavior problems. The second day of him being in the classroom, he become obsessed with magnets. He was fascinated with them all the, shapes, colors, sizes. Every time he realized that the magnet would stick he yelled, "Perfect" I thought and decided I was going to use this to my advantage. I created these picture perfect c-v-c word board. The students have to match the beginning and ending sound. They can even try and sound out the whole word. I used sheet protectors and a expo marker for easy write on wipe off!

So when my 2nd graders saw him they wanted something too! I am a fair teacher and I love my class of boys. So they got this rhyming activity. They get puzzles and matching. I let them use magnets as a treat after they are done.

This resource has puzzles, memory cards and matching boards that can be self checked. I also created blackline printables for them to do for homework or classwork.