Resolutions for the NEW YEAR!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I am linking up with A Peach for the Teach

RESOLUTIONS are a great way to help keep yourself motivated and moving towards a positive year!  This year I am going to try to keep my resolutions going until at least maybe April!   That way I can say that I gave it a true effort.

PERSONAL RESOLUTION:  to take time for myself.  At one time, not so long ago I was motivated and dedicated to working out and keeping myself healthy.  I had a great routine going where I did Pilates, Yoga, then the stress of work took over and the me time become work time! 

PROFESSIONAL RESOLUTION: I enjoy school and taking classes.  My husband has always supported me with attending workshops and going for additional degrees.  I have way too many certifications and certificates on the wall.  He often jokes with me saying where will that degree go?  I am going to really look and think about all the professional development I have taken and try to put it to use!  I have thought about teaching a class somewhere.  Maybe.... one day.... 

CLASSROOM RESOLUTION: Throw stuff out!!!  I think that sums it up.  I have so much stuff and it is all organized and put into cute labeled areas, but really.... do I need it all!   So operation throw it out will begin..... soon, I promise!   

BLOG RESOLUTION:  I get emails often from teachers all over the country that ask me, how I do things in my classroom.   I am going to try and use my blog as a place to showcase more of what I do in my classroom!  j

JUST-FOR-FUN!  I really enjoy photography and I have been fortunate enough to travel to many places on this beautiful Earth!   I enjoy taking photos and have some great shots, but I  really wish I knew more about the features of my camera.  (Actually this is a great resolution for my husband to have, that way he can just tell me what setting to put the camera on!  

I am having a New Year's Sale and my ENTIRE store is on Sale !

My two most wish listed times are 30% off for 14 hours.  Until New Year's Day 6pm EST

The rest of the items are on sale too!  

Thank you for stopping by..

 Follow me on Bloglovin'.  It's super easy and FUN!

Thank you a Peach for the Teach for this fun Linky!  
A Peach for the Teach: Behavior Supports & Multi-Age

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Viki! Thanks so much for linking up! I loved reading your resolutions. I need to get back into the swing with Pilates and yoga! Let's inspire each other! Happy New Year!


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