Coffee, Some Fall Fun Activities, a chance to WIN...

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Good Morning.... It is a cool Saturday morning here in NY and while I am enjoy this amazing cup of coffee that the hubby made for me, wearing a cozy hoodie shirt, I am checking out all my favorite blogs and LOOK what I came across.
 Musing of Me has this amazing Fall Fun activity set....  This unit is MASSIVE!!!!! It is 184 pages long! So long in fact that I didn’t have the space to add my usual craft activities. I’m HOPING to come out with a “Fall Literature Fun” pack soon that will include loads of craftiness and writing activities. I’ve had LOTS of emails asking about the fall activities that were previously available on my blog….they’re all in here along with MANY others. Check out what you can find.


While you are here I am celebrating with Amy at What Happens in First Grade.  I have donated a set of literacy task cards that have not yet been released in my TpT store.  Check it out and spread the word.

I am also hoping to reach 100 followers by Halloween then I can have a spooktacular giveaway.  I also really, REALLY, REALLY  want to try to figure  HOW to make a BUTTON for my page, this weekend.  I am going to do it and I hope it's not a total disaster.   Oh yeah, and if there is time I will plan for next week, do laundry, go to the supermarket, and get some birthday presents for the upcoming events.

Pay it FORWARD...

Thursday, September 27, 2012
So a blogging buddy of mine, Hope at Teaching with Hope, has started a Pay it Forward campaign. 
I agree with Hope about this huge bloggy world I am now a part of.  EVERYONE is so wonderful and shares with all their friends and followers.  I personally follow more people then the number of people that follow me!  I have learned so much from everyone, everywhere!
I have learned what works well and what doesn't work.  I have shared lesson, ideas and also realized that the love for learning and teaching never stops.  :)

Thank you, to all of you! In honor of Paying it Forward I will be giving away a brand new product that has not yet been released in my TpT store! The only requirement is that you Pay it Forward... give something to someone else and share the love. In order to receive my yet to be realized TPT item here is what you need to do:

1. Be one of the first three to comment below
2. Then "Pay it Forward" on your own blog by giving away something to the first three that comment on your post.
3. After commenting I'll take a look at your Pay it Forward post and voila this weekend the  unreleased item is yours!

Thank you for sharing in the fun and helping myself and others grow as teachers! You are amazing people and I am so lucky to know you all!

Are you looking for another rhyming alphabet book?-- FREEBIE

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I am always looking for new alphabet books.  I use the classics all the time.  I found this book called
 Q is for Duck and my students have fallen in love with an old book that has funny rhymes.  I create a class book or sometimes I do an interactive bulletin board with alphabet recognition and rhymes activity.
After reading the book Q is for Duck, by Mary Elting and Michael Folsom, the students will create their own page. I have created 3 different choices of fonts to create your own A-Z alphabet book or individual pages with the child's first initial. 

L is for OUR CLASS
Why?... Because we like to LEARN

HURRY this offer is only good until 5:30 EST today Wednesday, September 26 then it goes on sale at my TpT store.  Be sure ot follow the TpT store to get the newest materials and updates.


Oh My Apples...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Head must check this out ASAP a Five Dollar APPLE UNIT from  Musings of Me

Look at what you get.......
What Comes Next (letters)
Bushels of Sounds
Candy Apples (alphabetical Order)
Find and Write
Roll and Write
Apple Bobbing (upper/lowercase letters)
Apples (adjective activity with craft)
Apple Pie (game)
Apple Colors (pocket chart with book)
Apple Basket (poem and craftivity)
Apple Tree (poem and craftivity)
How to Make Applesauce
Johnny Appleseed (facts and craft)
Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie (book review)
Math Activity Pic

Student Behavior Slip...FREE

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I  love my job, and my students.  I don't love taking time from my teaching to write a note to a parent.  I just don't have enough time in the day to stop what I am doing to write a note, or to call home.  (Having a secretary to make calls would be a wonderful Christmas present.... Santa are you listening!) 

I began using this behavior slip with my older students as a way to have them take responsibility for their classroom behavior and inappropriate actions.  I copy them onto brightly colored paper and when the student is having a difficult day, I ask them to fill out a slip to bring home.  Of course, I use warnings, our class behavior system, all before I ask them to fill out a slip.  I find that by having them complete the form, they are able to better understand what they did.  After, they complete it and I look at it, they bring it home to their parents to get signed.  It has worked for some of my students and has saved me a few minutes.  I hope that you can use it too. 

Get your FREEBIE here! :)

Let's Celebrate 3 Different AMAZING Giveaways...

Monday, September 17, 2012
Happy Monday. It seems that many of my blogging buddies are all having a celebration THIS week. I wanted to help them celebrate and be part of the party too.
So I have joined Diving into Learning for her Fall Themed party!
Also, Third Grade All Stars is celebrating her 200 followers. I donated a yet to be released item from my TpT store.

Last, is my blogging buddy over at Flying into First has reached and has gone beyond 100 followers this week.
I love helping friends celebrate.... next time I will make sure they are not all in the same week.
Don't forget to enter these AWESOME giveaways and have a tons of chances to win awesome stuff!!
Help and spread the word about these wonderful chances to win and I guarantee that my first giveaway will be one to shout about!!

100 Follower Giveaway All Week Long!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012
I am so happy to be helping celebrate with  Flying into First for her 100 follower giveaway.  Head on over and enter this AMAZING giveaway so many things to be won!   Spread the word and help her celebrate.

A Saturday Night Freebie....

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Dear Google Docs,

I want to give my friends and followers a freebie and I have dinner reservations at 8pm. Please work so that my friends and followers will continue to support me.

Thank you a Grateful Teacher,
A Special Teacher

PS. I hope this works :o)

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